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New 16th Street Baptist Church Visitor Center

A 13,000-square-foot visitor and education center is being designed by CCR Architecture & Interiors and will be located adjacent to the existing parsonage and sanctuary buildings. Rather than copy its architectural characteristics, the design of the center instead is meant to honor and complement the historic church, while serving the needs of the Civil Rights District.

Space will be provided for interfaith initiatives, community outreach and educational programming, and the center will include meeting rooms, a dining area, a commercial kitchen, and additional space for visitors.

“The new visitor center pays homage to the original residential neighborhood previously located beside the church building, while also blending with surrounding commercial building civil rights structures,” explains CCR Vice President Roman Gary. For more details click here.

“This new building addition will symbolize the movement from ‘a dark past’ to a new light of hope and vision for the entire community. We are committed to preserving this important legacy and continuing the fight for social justice and equality for all people.” —Rev. Arthur Price, Jr., pastor of the 16th Street Baptist Church 

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